Money-back guarantee
Are you interested in what Snuggs are like, but are worried about investing in trying them out?
Now you can easily try them without any risk.
If the Snuggs do not suit you for any reason, you can use our satisfaction guarantee within 60 days of the first purchase and we will refund you up to the price of 3 pieces.
Conditions for the use of satisfaction guarantee
- Applies to the first order
- Returns are possible within 60 days
- The value of the returned amount is up to 3 pieces
- Filling out a short return registration form
Gift Card
Gift Card
Not sure which pair to purchase for a loved one? Opt for a snuggs digital gift voucher, and they can choose for themselves.
We’ll email you the gift voucher after you’ve completed your order, ready for you to forward on.
€10,00 – €100,00
Got some questions?
Got some questions?
Is the underwear hygienic?
Snuggs are made of materials certified by OEKO-TEX and CoolmaxFreshFX standards, which guarantee their health safety. After consultation with gynecologists, the recommended wearing time is 8-12 hours, depending on the strength of your period. In addition, the layer contains an antibacterial treatment, which guarantees a high standard of safety and hygiene.
Snuggs can handle up to 60-degree washes without damaging the absorbency. However, this may shorten their lifespan and fade colours, though black and beige hold up well. For durability, a 40-degree wash is advised.
How many times a day should I change the underwear?
1-2 times a day. You can wear one pair of the underwear for 8-12 hours. But it depends on the strength of your period. For heavy flow days, we recommend choosing the models for a heavy or extra heavy period.
How does the underwear handle oudours?
The absorbent layer of snuggs underwear contains an antibacterial treatment, which guarantees a high degree of hygiene and at the same time eliminates the formation of unwanted odors.
Who are they suitable for?
Anyone. The underwear is used by women of all ages and is suitable for both light and heavy flows, or weak urine leaks and other discharges.
Lasts for 12 hours